Sunday, September 5, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

So I've quickly gotten over the blues from not being able to attend moe.down this year.  Oh well, I'll go next year.  Okay, well as this week is getting ready to begin, a lot of things seem like they are starting to take shape. (Let's hope, anyway!!) It seems like there is a trend in my life where everything either falls apart at the same time, or everything gets put back together at the same time.  That's fine, but now I look forward to everything getting better again, ultimately leading to my long term goals.  It's been getting a lot easier to focus mostly on myself and take care of what is best for me first and foremost above anything else. 

School starts on Thursday and I can't wait.  I've never said that in my life before, and I'm really excited to be in this position.  No more messing around.  No more going to bars instead of going to class, and no more not waking up for class because I'm too hung over to even realize what time it is.  Been there, done that.  Although I learned some "valuable life lessons," I wasted a lot of time and money screwing around and not taking my education seriously.  

I finally know what I want to do with my life and can clearly see the path I want my career and professional life to go down.  Sweet.  Also, I'm pretty sure I'm so freaking bored sitting around day in and day out living this boring routine I've created for myself.  I need to keep myself busy, and I think being in school is going to be the best distraction from all of the other humdrum and trivial things going on in my life. 

As far as a part time job, it is at the point where I just need some money coming in to take care of some of the basic essentials in life.  It looks like I may be going back to the grocery store I worked at in high school.  No big deal.  I can honestly say it was one of the funnest times in my life, and since I left on good terms it shouldn't be a problem getting back in.  I'm going to know more about that tomorrow hopefully.  It's obviously not a glamorous job or anything, but at least I'll be making some money again while I am trying to finish up school, and I'm comfortable there.  (and of course, like I said above, it will be another thing to keep me busy.)

I figure the busier the better.  The more I sit around and don't have anything productive to do, the more I think about things and tend to over analyze shit going on in my life, which is completely unnecessary.  At least I'm feeling confident that things are looking up.  Giving up isn't an option.  Keeping my priorities straight and being successful are the most important things in my life right now.  I want to make everything worth it, so we'll see how this goes!

Another WONDERFUL thing about this week?  FOOTBALL STARTS ON THURSDAY!!!  Let me say it again...FOOTBALL STARTS ON THURSDAY!!  I am an extremely avid football fan and can't wait to get this season started.  I also play fantasy football, which just makes the shit talking and overall atmosphere that much more intense!  Super!!  

It's going to be interesting to see what the teams do this year, especially my team, the Philadelphia Eagles since they traded my favorite, Donovan McNabb, over to the Washington Redskins.  No matter what, I'll always support that damn quarterback.  I wish him the best and hope he has a fantastic season!   I've never actually been to a game, so I'm really, really praying this year I can make that dream a reality.  :-)

Me, Myself, and I - Beyonce

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I found you on my blog. Thank you for following btw. I likedd this post. It's got that certian je ne se quois, except I know exactly what it is. The search, the journey, the action, the proactivity. I like. And I hope you find purpose. It is definitley there. Trust and believe you have one, and it is--amazing. Not just in school, but life period. It's one of the most enthralling, thrilling, discoveries ever (even if a bit, or more, scarey) --and it is totally worth it. Walking in it can kill all the naysaying and or super talkative voices in your head that lead to no-where. Very best wishes!

