Thursday, October 14, 2010

So What?

I am BACK from West Virginia!  Not much to talk about there.  It was relaxing and a good time filled with friends, food, beer, cards, and football.  Fabulous. :-)
Anyway, sometimes I really hate when I have the feeling of missing someone,  especially when it is someone you feel like you really shouldn't miss.  I know I bring this topic up time and time again (and maybe too much) but it frequently crosses my mind.  

Lately, when I think of this person in particular (we'll just call him "Bobby") my mind instantly wanders to the good times, though far and few, that we had.  We pretty much did the same bullshit things everyday: go to shows, prepare for shows, drink, sleep in, work (I worked), lay in bed, etc.  Granted at that time in my life, everything seemed like so much fun.  
So in the middle of letting my brain wander into the past, something inside snapped.  I was driving home from school and had the radio on.  The Pink song, So What? was coming through the speakers.  One part in the middle really put me in check and let me know that walking away and completely removing myself from the situation with this "Bobby" guy was the best thing I could have done for myself.  The part I'm talking about went like this:

"You weren't there
You never were
You want it all
But that's not fair
I gave you life
I gave my all
You weren't there
You let me fall.."

EXACTLY!!  I'm so glad I heard that.  I needed a little reminder.  A reminder that he really didn't care.  That everything always revolved around him and his needs.  I gave 110% and if I was lucky, he may have given 10%.  He never listened to me or asked me about myself.  I'm sure he really didn't (and still doesn't) know much about me despite the 2 1/2 years we spent in each others lives.  How sad, really.  
It was also a reminder that I shouldn't settle for someone or lower my standards for a person who truly doesn't appreciate me for who I am.  That's exactly what I did, and I'm never going to do that again.  I'm glad I finally realize this; it was just the push over the edge that I needed to stop second guessing my decision and move on...

And of course, for your viewing and listening pleasure...  :-)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just catchin' up....

Okay so it's almost that mid-term point at school this semester.  I've gotta say, its actually been going quite well!!  I've been pretty successful in my classes and have been enjoying going.  Well you all know that.  Now - I didn't expect this to be any sort or cake walk (because obviously that's part of the reason why I've previously failed!!)  I have one class, which happens to be my Medical Terminology class that has really been stressing me out like it is nobody's business.  Of course, I thought it was just me.  Until I was sitting in another one of my classes and overheard several women having a conversation I couldn't resist jumping into.  They all felt the exact same way I did; we shared mutual feelings of being overwhelmed, confused, and just overall stressed out about the class day in and day out.  I was also under the impression that some of the school advisers or program directors had a chat with the professor.  I'm not really sure though, so we'll see what happens!

On to the next thing - last Sunday was a lot of fun.  If you didn't know yet, I absolutely love football, and that is what my Sundays are devoted to.  A few of my friends and a got together and spent the day together watching football and of course, drinking (maybe too much, hahaha.)  We even went as far as to bust out the good ol' beer pong table and play a few games.  It happens!  We definitely had a blast and I hate to say it, but by the time the last wave of people showed up around 10:00pm, I vaguely remember what I could have possibly chatted with them about.  Fabulous.  Oh well.  It was still a really fun time, I just wish we all got together more often!

And since we are on the topic of football, I have been pretty torn dealing with the fact that I am an Eagles fan, but more importantly a Donovan McNabb fan.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do on Sunday when the Redskins and the Eagles faced off.  Well it was clear once the game started, that I was hoping and praying McNabb would end up on top, and he DID!!  Good for him.  Especially with Michael Vick coming out early in the game, it was karma that I felt like the Eagles deserved for trading McNabb in the first place.  Ha. Good luck with Kevin Kolb, he's pretty much a freakin' mess.  They better hope Vick can come back soon because despite what anyone may think of him personally, he is getting the job done there in Philly; he's a hell of a quarterback!!
ALSO: pretty hot off the press - let's talk about RANDYYYY!!! Randy Moss is going BACK to Minnesota!! I definitely didn't see that coming AT ALL.  It happened so fast!! It'll be interesting to see what happens with both the Minnesota Vikings and the New England Patriots!  Either way, I hope it only helps Moss' career as he is another fantastic player. 

Anyhow, not that any of you probably want to hear me ramble on about football throughout this whole thing - I am actually taking a spontaneous road trip with my sister tonight to West Virginia!  It is definitely a state I never thought I'd visit, but hey, I'm open to new opportunities all of the time!  So I'll let you know how that goes, I'll be back on Monday!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Yakety Yak

Okay sorry I have been MIA for just over a week now!!  I really had a tough time this past week trying to keep up with my mountain of school work and give my friend's dog the constant attention he needed.  I made it though!! It was really exhausting and it was a long week, but I didn't mind as much as I thought I would.  The dog was actually really good for me, so that made me extremely happy!  Now that I'm caught up on sleep and school work (for now) I can get back to doing things I enjoy doing during my free time.   
School has been going really well.  I'm so excited that I am actually doing things right this time around and have been staying focused.  YESSS!!  Knowing that helps me realize I have been doing a pretty good job of  keeping my priorities straight.  I'm not bored with my classes yet and I love going to school.  I love it!  I may sound cheesy but I don't even care.  I'm still proud of myself for working hard!!

With that being said, and friend of mine and myself were having a conversation about the people we used to be.  The people we were before we were both in our last relationships.  (Or as I like to call mine, a "situation.")  Its amazing how you can change as a person and not even realize it.  I let myself go quite a bit.  I let all of my walls down and put my trust into a person that, in the long run, didn't even seem to all.  I'm not going to get into that blah, blah too much right now.  I mean, you kind of get it.  Long story short, I've just slowly been trying to get back to being the person I was before.  I really liked that girl, and I know she's still around here somewhere.  

On another note (and a happy one!) a fellow blogger, Жингер (the Jinger)
has given my very first blogging award!  How exciting!!
  Now, as far as this goes, this is how it works:

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pay it forward to 10 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.
Okay so I am fairly new to this right now, so I do not have my 10 nominees for this award yet.  I promise you all, I will have this done in one of my posts in the very near future!  Thanks again for the recognition!! I really appreciate it!  :-) 
 Love this oldie :-)
Yakety Yak - The Coasters