Thursday, July 15, 2010

Right Through You

Well.  I must say I have realized that no matter what you say, do, or believe, some people never change for the better.  In fact, as time always tells, their true colors actually show themselves before you know it.  There are quite a few things I've realized about one person in particular (that male I was blogged about previously) that aren't good qualities at all, and that nobody should even care to deal with.

People aren't going to change, even if they know what they are doing is wrong.

They may say you mean a lot to them, but they sure as hell don't show it.  (Really, because they only care about themselves.)

They don't hang out with you because they know that they can't actually "get anything out of you," such as money, drinks, cigarettes, etc.  So clearly you must be of no use anymore.

They're ditching their best friends: important, relevant people, and also really significant events, (not me, their boys) for things that 99% of people would consider completely meaningless because they "forgot," or some other ridiculous excuse like they forgot the date, or their phone was dead or lost.

So, making up excuses has become "the norm."  What is up with that?  I don't get why people go through the trouble of making up excuses when it becomes harder and harder to keep their story straight.  Why don't people just flat out say, "No, I don't feel like doing that."  I swear, it would make so many lives much easier.

Which leads me to my next point: don't bother lying!  Why lie?  When you lie, you always get caught.  Then you look like a freaking scumbag.  Well, it may be too late for that, anyway. 

I know one thing for sure: NO more time needs to be wasted on people like that.  It's ridiculous.  
Stupid me for ever thinking that people change.  
Stupid me for giving people the benefit of the doubt to people when they have let you down time and time again.  
Stupid me for ever thinking that you can trust people who have broken your trust before.  
Stupid, stupid, STUPID me for letting this drag out for as long as it has.  

Anyway, I have really come to grips with the reality of this situation and the fact that this guy does not deserve anything from me.  In fact, I'm not so sure he really deserves anything from anyone until he starts realizing how selfish he is and stops screwing so many people over.  Be a real guy, a real friend.  It is truly unbelievable that people can be one person, (a VERY likable, wonderful person) when you first meet them, and then as you get to know them, completely show you a person you never,imagined them being. 

What a disappointment. 

Right Through You - Alanis Morissette

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