Monday, July 4, 2011

Roll With It...

I was sitting here today with nothing better to do when I realized that I have a blog I have not written on in f-o-r-e-v-e-r!  My apologies.  So I logged in and noticed that I had only had one post in 2011!  How shameful.  

During these past 6 or so months I needed to buckle down and focus on just a few things.  One of my worst habits is biting off more than I can chew and getting myself caught in sticky ass situations.  I just turned 25 a week ago - I've really got to get my shit together righttt?!  

As you can see in my one and only post prior to this in 2011, there were some things that changed in my life (for the better) indeed.  I guess at this point it would be best to recap a few main details for 2011 so that my future posts will make sense as a begin to write again.

1.  School is still on the list

Surprisingly, I took it upon myself to enroll in summer classes so I could keep the ball rolling and get done sooner.  I find it much harder to keep my focus on my work during the summer months.  This semester comes to a close in about 5 weeks and LET ME TELL YOU...I am ready for the break!!  I am still happy about my classes and knowing exactly what direction I want my academic life to go in, but damn...everyone needs a break at some point.  So in 5 weeks, I will be able to enjoy the rest of the summer and get my head focused for the fall.  

I feel like I don't want to spend as much time ranting and raving about school, so even though it consumes so much of my time, I am going to try and keep the school chat to a minimum on here!  Okay great.  NEXT!  

2.  I am still single (and still happy.)

Yes.  Exactly what the title says.  I am still single.  I am still happy.  There are those moments when I think to myself, "wow, it would be nice to have someone to cuddle up with or share those little mushy moments with..." and then after seeing some of the bullshit and stress that many of my friends deal in a serious relationship I think, "Damn I am soooo happy I am not as miserable and tied down as they are..."  Is it wrong that I see it that way?  They may not be tied down, but sometimes it most certainly seems like it!  Why be with someone that you spend more of your time arguing with than enjoying?!  I'd rather be single than be stressed out by my significant other.  Damn straight.  

Oh, and, let's not forget about those ever-so-wonderful, "What are we? 'situations'."  WOOF.  Been there, done that, and call me a bitch, but I don't even want to hear about those types of situations because nobody ever listens to the advice they're given anyway.  Trust me, I know.  

Now that does not mean that I am ruling any possibilities out.  It also does not mean that I am not currently thinking of someone right this instant.  He is a great guy and does not steer people wrong.  He is completely honest and works very hard.  I find it extremely easy to talk to him and relate to him on many different levels.  But there aren't really too many other details - yet.  Getting to know more about each other is very casual, so I'm not really digging deep and thinking too much about what the future holds.  Besides - I think doing the "me" thing right now is still working out. 

A few other things...

I screwed up my ankle.  Yep.  I have had to wear an immobilizer boot up to my knee for the past few weeks now.  My doctor seems to think that is it making my ankle worse, so I am waiting to get a new brace and then I am going to have to walk around on crutches.  UGH.  Not again!

I guess in English what my doctors told me is that my joint bones are starting to fuse together (again) and since they are rubbing together, it is causing cartilage and fluid to build up.  You should feel it - its pretty gross.  I'll keep you posted on those details as I am waiting for my upcoming orthopedic appointment.

Kind of random, but does anyone know of ways to keep in shape since I can't run or do any workouts involving my ankle?

I'm trying to quit smoking.  Yep.  The girl who always said she loved to smoke is trying to quit.  I figured, why the hell not?  Originally, I was only going to quit for a week or two (if I could stand it) to prove to a friend that she doesn't need electric cigarettes, patches, gum, and blah, blah, blah to quit smoking.  Well long story short, I quit cold turkey, and she didn't quit at all.  

Now, this is in the early stages.  Today will be the end of day 9 and I haven't caved yet.  On day 3, I had a major meltdown and was in tears struggling with the idea of never having a cigarette again.  Two things I was concerned about was wanting to smoke while I drink coffee and alcohol.  Since I quit, I have done both, and so far, so good.  We'll see what happens, but at this point I think I am at ease with my decision and shouldn't have a problem keeping on this path.

Anyway, I think this post is long enough.  I am glad I'm back to blogging now as it felt really good to write this all down...I'll be back, and I swear I won't wait until 2012 :-)

Roll With It - Oasis

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