Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Times Bad Times

You know, I wasn't really sure what to say on this. My best friend started a blog recently, so I figured I would do the same since I like to write and because her and I don't always get a chance to talk everyday. I've also decided that all of my blog titles will (of course) be song titles, that I'll reference at the bottom of my blogs.

It's been 5 days into the New Year so far, and of course just like every year, I feel like I have really high expectations for whatever may be in store. Most of all, I just want to become a happier person again. I'm going to have to take some risks and make some big changes that people may not necessarily like, but it's time to start taking care of me.

As typical as this may sound, I've once again decided to quit smoking, and so far, it's going pretty well. Some days I want to rip my hair out and I freak out a little bit when I have a craving for one. I can't lie, I did smoke one earlier today (AND JUST ONE) and I don't see anything wrong with that.

I've had these stomach pains again for the past few days in my upper left abdomen and in my left arm as well. This has been happening to me off and on for about the past 2 years. Sometimes it hurts so bad it kind of freaks me out. I really think I should get it checked out. Call me crazy but I have been putting it off because anytime I bring it up, I feel like nobody in my family believes me. I could be making a really stupid mistake. I tell ya though, if it gets any worse than its felt for the past 4 hours, I'M DEFINITELY going to the doc.

song: Good Time Bad Times - Led Zeppelin

1 comment:

  1. I'm really proud of you for quitting smoking Rican! You're doing it "cold turkey" which is really hard, and has such a high rate of people who start smoking again! You had one today and thats okay! Its an improvement! Its more realistic to cut down, than it is to just stop cold turkey! My have you cut down! You started with smoking about a pack a day and you've gone to only smoking one?!?! Get it girl! So proud of you!!!!!!

    Please get your stomach checked out if you need to!!!! Thats nothing to mess around with!

    Love you! And your life! And your blogs! muaahahahahaha!
