Monday, January 18, 2010


Okay, so I haven't exactly quit smoking like I thought i was going to, although I've made a large improvement in my smoking habits. I've cut down from smoking a pack a day (at minimum) to 0-5 cigarettes a day. It is really easy for me to go an entire day without smoking, but whenever I drink, I get the "I don't care and I'm going to do whatever the hell I want" attitude. Bad move big time. I feel like crap the next day now and my lungs feel like they're on fire despite cutting down. (If that makes any sense.) I am starting to question how I ever smoked a pack a day when it makes me feel this gross!!

Has anyone else ever felt this way?!

As long as I am not thinking about it, I have no problems. Now as I sit here and type about NOT smoking, it only makes me want to go outside and light a cigarette. I guess it doesn't help either that I happen to constantly have a pack of cigarettes at my disposal at any given time. Maybe if I'm as serious as I think I am about this, I should start to put in a little more effort to actually kick the habit. I don't want this to be the 2353462562 time I've tried to quit, only to fail again.

Every time I've attempted to quit and I fail, my habit ultimately kicks back into full gear again and usually ends up much worse!! I'm not going to let this happen. I don't want to let myself down, and I want to live a healthier lifestyle. If there's one thing I know for sure, there is going to be NO ROOM for failure in 2010.

Cigarettes - Fort Minor

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