Well, its a new year. I wasn't a huge fan of 2010, but even though it certainly wasn't the most fantastic year I have ever had, I made a lot of decisions and changes that will definitely help me become a better and more improved person for a successful 2011.
Instead of going out and surrounding myself with people from my hometown at a bar and getting drunk like I usually do on new year's, I stayed home, watched TV, searched for scholarships, and applied for jobs online as the ball dropped and the new year rang in. In that moment, I knew that 2011 was going be a much better and successful year for me.
With that being said, what would a fresh start to 2011 be without reflecting on a few changes from 2010??
2. I went back to school. The first time I attended college I slacked off and never took it seriously, hence the 4 1/2 year break I took. After leaving my job, I knew it was exactly where I wanted to be and the timing was perfect. A lot of people believed I was making rash decisions because I had quit my job and just needed something to "fall back on." In reality, school wasn't a fall back, but something I had always wanted to do and wasn't prepared for. The last thing I wanted was to be a failure in college again, so it was a very thought out and careful decision I made for myself.
I had finally found a college that was a great fit for me, and worked very hard. Classes, papers, and studying began to occupy my time, and other activities like hanging out at bars or going to local shows took a back seat to the progress I was making at school. (Not ALL of the time, but when necessary.) It all paid off, and I ended the semester with a 3.3 GPA and made the Dean's List. I couldn't believe it! Finally seeing my potential on paper and even trying to argue a grade I didn't agree with, it only made me realize I was doing well and school and couldn't be happier pursuing my education. Classes resume in another week and a half, and I wish it would hurry up already because I can't wait for the semester to begin!
3. I finally accepted being single. This was another huge, HUGE thing that happened in 2010. I had been up, down, and all around with that "situation" (as I like to call it) that I had mentioned in past blogs. In the grand scheme of things, a situation was exactly what it was. It was a situation that I ended up pretty much getting screwed over in, but hey, I've left my bitterness behind in 2010. More than anything, parting ways was certainly for the best. I deeply cared about a guy who really, did not care about me at all. Everything was all about him and what I could do for him.
After 2 1/2 years of going up, down, and all around with this guy, it is likely he probably doesn't know a thing about me. That might sound harsh, but believe me when I say it is the truth. Then I had gotten slapped by the bitter reality of what the situation really was. When I resigned from my job and all of my savings were gone, so was he.
Now that we have parted ways, I don't know why I stuck around for two years. If anything, he was selfishly smart to keep me around and I was stupid enough to stick around. I'm glad I'm not committed to anyone right now. It is another thing I needed to jump start this fresh new year, and I am in no rush at all to begin a new relationship.
4. I have to make me happy. After putting myself on the line and always looking out for others, I realized I wasn't paying nearly enough attention to myself and what I truly need. You know the old saying, "out with the old, in with the new," right? Well with those three major things I previously mentioned, they were huge choices for me to make, have do deal with, and get over in 2010.
Now let's not forget about those typical new year's "resolutions" people make every year, like eating better, losing weight, drinking less alcohol, and going to the gym more. Hey, I've made those resolutions in previous years too. I will try my best to do those things as well, however, I'm not going to call them new year's resolutions and get all worked up about them. I've got bigger fish to fry, but there's no harm in also trying to integrate a healthier lifestyle into all of the other positive things I'm trying to do with my life.
So Happy 2011!! I am most definitely looking forward to this year and working hard to make sure I get the most out of it. A lot of changes have been made, and I know that they were only for the better. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me!
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan